среда, 30 ноября 2011 г.

К теме 18-19 веков. Fill the blanks. Use only one word in each space.

In the 18th and 19th __1__ Europe silhouettes were __2__ very popular way of making portraits. A silhouette is really a copy of someone's shadow. Nowadays we usually __3__ photographs, but silhouettes can make an interesting change, and they __4__ easy to do. Everybody can make them __5__ entertain their friends.
Prepare a sheet of __6__, a pencil, scissors and an unshaded electric light.
Sit your subject on a chair in a darkened room__7__ close to the wall as possible, with a profile parallel to __8__ wall.
Pin the sheet of paper behind the sitter. Place the __9__ in front of the sitter so that the shadow of the face falls sharply __10__ the paper.
Trace the outline of the profile on the __11__.
If you work on the black paper, life-size, the profile can now __12__ cut out and mounted just as it is. If it is on white paper, you can cut it out and trace it on to black paper or colour it.

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